People that suffer a trauma or are post-injury are at increased risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE) collectively known as venous thromboembolism (VTE). PE occurs in up to 4% of cases and carries a mortality rate of 20-50%. The incidence of DVT ranges from 5-63% depending on other risk factors, type of prevention used, and methods of detection.
Talk to your doctor about your risk and ways to prevent VTE after trauma or injury. Trauma Patients at Increased Risk
Additional Risk Factors
All major trauma patients should receive adequate DVT prophylaxis. IVC filters should be placed in very high risk trauma patients that include those with a Glasgow Coma Scale <8, spinal cord injury, complex pelvic and long bone fractures, and those at increased risk of bleeding who can not be anticoagulated. References